March 14, 2012

Photoshop By Adobe

I read an article a week ago about how this woman was up in arms about the Adobe Photoshop commercial. To summerise, she wasn't happy with how they were encouraging people to use photoshop to make themselves look more fetching. Unfortunately, she failed to post the link to the video. Taking it upon my self, I went on a search for it to see what this hen was squawking about.

Turns out, she simply doesn't understand satire. 

Here's the video: 

People really need to pick their battles more wisely. It's clear to me Adobe is poking fun at cosmetic ads. In the end, this woman looked like a fool. In order not to make her feel like a complete boob, I've refrained from posting a link to her blog. Have no fear, though. I did post her a comment, which she never approved. 

As I researched this photoshop travesty, I came across another website that made me laugh.

Thirty Horrific Commercial Photoshop Disasters

In case any of you need a chuckle on this overcast and sprinkling Wednesday. 

1 comment:

EJ said...

I like that, but the funniest thing is the way she says A-Doh-Bee.